Going for the Cure, oil, 30" x 24"
In a nano-second, life can change. I remember when the world seemed to crash down on my mother and me when she was diagnosed with a cancer with no cure, Multiple Myeloma. Four months earlier, my mother had gone on a river cruise in Russia with two of her childhood friends. Two months earlier, we had gone to Hawaii to visit my sister. It is truly unbelievable to witness someone so engaged with life come to a grinding stop. Everything, everything had to change. Moving to another state for treatment, selling her home and settling into a new reality, literally within weeks, took herculean efforts and proved exhausting on every level.
Ozarks in Early Autumn, oil, 48" x 72"
We thank God for the compassionate doctors and nurses that cared for her and the kindnesses of neighbors and friends. CARTI (Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute) is one of those godsends. Their commitment to fighting cancer will culminate in October with the opening of a $90 million, 179,000 square foot cancer research center in Little Rock. I am honored to be chosen as one of the artists to provide works for the new facility. The three pieces, Going for the Cure, Ozarks in Early Autumn, and In the Holy Hills and Hollows will be installed the first week of October. If you are in the area, please join us for the ribbon-cutting ceremony Oct. 16th. Although these works are committed, I also work on commission. Let's beat cancer!
In the Holy Hills and Hollows, oil, 48" x 48"